Be prepared for a an extreme image heavy of 138 screencaps! *phewww*
Enough said, now let the
[pics are in order of the PV itself] prepared for a massive hand pr0n!
...with Aiba,
Ohno sachou.
J can do it with style.
oh, hi Sho!
a hamburger hand.
showing both the hamburger hands.
"see these hands?" haha.
Kazu's being flirty.
And Aiba pointed it out.
what's with the face, Oh-chan?
2 DoS.
it's pr0n even when you're tying your shoelaces bb.
see? hands pr0n!
finally. YaMa on screen.
show those hand bb.
that's more I like it.
more Oh-chan hands pr0n!
"you want more?" Yeahhhh.
"I can't hear you!" YEAHHHH!!
wth Aiba-chan is doing?
really, Aiba. Please don't drag Oh-chan into your hands scheme.
hit it guys.
I wonder what happened here too?^^
one hot newscaster in spandex pants.
lol at these 3 bakas.
2 DoS prince with same gestures.
I love this Kazu's screen shot the most because I love his part here.
These trio is still doing it. Aiba, wth? haha.
still fooling around.
and J wants to join the fun too.
J is in serious mode.
leave it to the trio to mess around.
even Kazu is serious.
nope. They still goofing.
back to business.
okay, Sho is being serious with his SakuRap!
the only SakuMiya moments in the entire PV! * disappointed*
in this cap, you can clearly see that Oh-chan already called in 'no good'
it's a hand pr0n afterall!
this guy knows how to manipulate the mirror.
yes, those hands.
see, hand pr0n of 5 members continuously.
look. He's manipulating the mirror again.
*can't resists*
Aiba is encouraging Nino to play around since the PV is ending.
and J joins the parade.
"bye bye bye"
and we're out.
Hand pr0n? yes? no? I say yes!
This PV change it's frame so fast, making it that hard not to screencap everything^^ but this is not everything. It's only like 70% of the whole PV.
And so, this single is officially my new favourite. My last favourite was Troublemaker btw.
[MS performance 04.05.2012]
because everyone is talking about J new hairstyle.
[Face Down] is the 38th single by Arashi and is expected to be release on 09.05.2012. This is the theme song use in Ohno Satoshi new drama "Kagi no Kakatta Heya"
the PV is cool and the live performance on music station is non-stop nosebleed >_<
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